The grade 3/4 class is showing flexibility and resilience as we have transitioned back to remote learning due to Covid-19 restrictions.  Mrs. Span is so impressed with her students and their parents as they are continuing to learn and develop their skills at home.  Although the Apostle Paul didn’t experience school in the same way we are today, he still speaks wisdom into our situation.   Here is our paraphrase of his words in Philippians 4:11-13:  “We have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  We know what it is to learn at home with our computer, and we know what it is to learn with our friends at school.  We have learned the secret to doing our best in any and every learning environment, whether in class or over Zoom, whether alone or with my friends.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”   Although we are looking forward to getting back to school as normal, we are thankful for the tools and resources we have to help us grow and thrive until then.

3-4 Blog