“The heart of Christian education is our educational philosophy solidly based in and firmly built upon the truth of the Word of God” (Chadwick 1990). This means that a Christian school is more than Christian staff or Christian kids or Christian textbooks. A Christian school’s purpose is to communicate life principles along with its academic concepts. “There is an attempt to integrate the student’s cognitive development with the development of his total personality in relation to a thoroughly biblical world and life view for the purpose of producing character change that demonstrates maturity in Jesus Christ” (Chadwick 1990). The key to this is biblical worldview integration.

 “Integration is the bringing together of parts into a whole and so with integration in Christian education it is the living union not only of concepts with concepts, of truth with truth, but it is the living union of the subject matter in the life not only of teachers but the administration as well as the students. The eternal, infinite pattern of God’s written truth must be woven together with all of truth and all of life” (Chadwick 1990). 

For further reading, check out the book Christian School Curriculum: An Integrated Approach by Ronald P. Chadwick.