February is always an exciting month in the Grade 1 and 2 Classroom.  We celebrated Groundhog Day during our online learning classes.  We learned that Wiarton Willie is the only albino groundhog in Ontario.  We returned to in-person learning just in time to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  We all wore red and pink and exchanged Valentines with our friends. Our class led the Valentine’s Chapel.  We talked about what love is, how God shows His love to us, and how we should show love to others through our words and actions.  At the end of the month, we celebrated the 100th Day of school.  We collected 100 things and brought them to school.  We did lots of activities involving the number 100 – sorted 100 M & M’s, did 100 math questions, read “Jake’s 100th Day of School”, built a structure using 100 Dixie cups, made a 100 Day necklace, and ate cake.  We had a fun day celebrating.  In Science we have been learning about Simple Machines, and how they help us do things.  In Bible we have been learning about Elijah and Nehemiah.  We learned how they both trusted God to provide and protect them, and how they never gave up even when things got tough.  We are each memorizing a poem for our in-school competition in March. 


1-2 Blog