Dear Parents and Friends,
It is such a privilege to me to serve in this community. Your children are the most precious earthly possession that you have. At ACCS, we certainly take that seriously! We pray regularly for you as parents too–each family, by name–because we believe that parenting is a task that requires God’s help AND because God promises to give help to those who ask for it. 

This week we are focussing on humility. Humility is not a natural stance for humans. We are naturally disposed to proclaim our own virtues, “toot our own horns,” try to appear self-sufficient, and be proud of our accomplishments. Taking Jesus’ example, however, we see a different way. In John 13:13, 14 He says, “You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Incidentally, this is actually a very worthwhile activity to do as a family, maybe even this Easter time. You may feel vulnerable and unsure doing it, but you will be blessed as a family doing it. Practically, it’s easy: take a bowl of water and a towel. Go around to your spouse and kids, or let them do it to each other. Let them say something while doing it such as, “I am doing this because I love you, and to follow Jesus’ example of serving others.”

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge the achievements of the following students who achieved honour roll status on this round of report cards:

Top of the Class
Joshua V
Anna P
Lily V

Lily V

Lucy N

Amelia V
Marcus O
Okezi A / Leah A

Leah A
Savannah G

Krysta D
Sydney R
Krysta D

Ben R
Brooklynn D
Jackson G

Grace A
Imani B

Jackson G

Sam N
Levi V
Sam N

Lilly S

Calvin R
Jasiri B
Calvin R

Landon G
Landon G

Tineke V

Matthew V
Lilly F
Neema B

Neema B

By now you know that our school is a member of the Christian School Foundation. There are over seventy Christian schools who are members, which means that if you want to give a gift to support two, three, or five Christian schools, you can do so by giving one gift to the Foundation and having them distribute it on your behalf. If you would like to have a simple way to bless several Christian schools, contact our school office or and we will help make this happen!

Report cards are just around the corner. Did you already schedule interviews with the teachers at There’s still time. We are planning to send a summary of all appointments electronically on the coming Wednesday.

DId you know that we subscribe to Creation magazine? Your kids will love it! Consider this interesting fact… The core temperature of the sun, earth’s closest star, is around 15 million Celsius!
As for general trivia about Canada, did you know … The highest mountain in Canada is Mount Logan, Yukon Territory, 5959 metres (19,551 feet).

How would you respond to this observation?
“Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.” — Josef Albers

Prayer Corner:
God answers prayer. Join thousands around the world in praying for  Suriname.
Heavenly Father, 
Thank You for our system of government that gives us an opportunity to be a voice in our nation. May those who are elected into office take seriously the fact that it is the people who put them into office, and that they are responsible to the Almighty God how they serve. Grant us a citizens integrity and wisdom to stand up for what is right and good. Grant us leaders who will support families, religious freedom and life. We also uphold our desire for the spirit of Christ among us. Let it continue and increase. Blessing and honour be to You for the way our students don’t just go for the minimum, but try to do their very best for You! Thank you for the efforts of students, parents and staff reflected in the great report cards again this term! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Weekly News