May in Review


This month, in kindergarten, we completed our May journals.  The topics included; why we love our moms, what we would like to plant in our gardens, and what we did over the long weekend.  In Bible, we talked about building your house on the rock, that Jesus is preparing a place for us, the early church, and Paul’s ministries.  Our memory verse was, John 14:6.  In math, we finished our  unit on solids, prepositions, patterns, and are beginning subtraction within 10.  In phonics, we learned the short sound of ‘u’, ‘o’, and ‘e’.  We reviewed all the vowel sounds and SK’s finished reading book O.  We enjoyed a virtual field trip to Marineland where we learned about sea turtles, sand tiger sharks, and bottlenose dolphins.  We learned that God is very creative!

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Learning Highlights

This week, in Bible, we are learning about Pentecost and the early church.  In math, we are learning number 25, the core in patterns, and things that are likely and not likely.  In phonics, we are learning the short sound of ‘e’.  SK’s, are reading their 3rd book focusing on short vowel sounds.  Our journal this week is writing about what we would like to plant in our garden.

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Learning Highlights

This week in Bible, we will be learning about building our house on the rock.  Our memory verse is, John 14:6.  In math, we will continue to review 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, focusing on faces and corners.  We are counting by 2’s and 5’s to 100.  In phonics, we will be learning the short sound of ‘u’ and SK’s will begin reading Book I. 

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Featured Family

Meet the Brum Family

Hi ACCS community, we are the Brum family. Seeing as this is our first year at ACCS let me introduce us to you.

Shawn and myself, Natasha have been living here in Alliston for the past 7 years. We have four children including two boys Adriano,13 and Stefan,11 from Shawn’s first marriage. As well as Brooklyn, 6 and Ashton, 5 who attend ACCS. We are a family that enjoys spending time together with extended family and friends.

We found ACCS when covid hit. It was a small school and that sounded like what was the safest and would allow for a somewhat “normal” school experience. Of course we have felt like we ended up finding far more than we ever expected. A strong sense of community, a great learning environment, and above all teachers and a principal who pour so much into our kids.

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Learning Highlights

This week in Bible, we will be learning about the Good Shepherd.  Our memory verse is, Colossians 3:12b.  In math, we are counting by 2’s and 5’s to 100.  We will be reviewing shapes and starting to look at 3 dimensional shapes.  This week we will focus on cubes, cylinders, and cones.  In phonics, we will review the short vowel sounds of a and i and learn sight words; here, at, look, and we.

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March Update

This month the kindergarten class had a lot of fun decorating our door for St. Patrick’s day and dressing in green.  We also enjoyed learning about St. Patrick and how he was able to love his enemies and became a missionary in Ireland.  We were so excited to have baby lambs come to visit us and we began a unit on spring.  In Bible, we learned about Jesus and the children and how they are priceless treasures.  We also talked about Jesus’ miracles and how they showed God’s power and his compassion for us.  We are learning about Easter and how Jesus died for us so we could be forgiven and how we should forgive others.  Our memory verse this month was John 11:25.  In math, we are recognizing numbers to 20, counting to 100 by ones and tens, and adding to 10.  In phonics, we learned letters X, Y, and Z and sight words; like, do, is, and see.  We are looking forward to celebrating Easter!

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Learning Highlights

Next week we will be learning about Jesus and the children in Bible.  Our new memory verse is John 11:25.  We are learning the letter Y and number 18.  We are adding up to 10 and counting to 90.  In Social Studies we have been discussing the weather in March and things we can do on windy days.  We are also talking about St. Patrick and wearing green Wednesday to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

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Learning Highlights

Next week in kindergarten, we will be learning the letter v and reviewing numbers 1-15.  We are adding to 5 and counting to 90.  In Science, we are investigating materials.  We enjoyed making salt clay and comparing it to other materials.  In Bible, we will start a unit on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

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February Learning Highlights

This week we were so excited to be back at school!  We had fun sledding and ended the week with a Valentine’s party.  Next week we will learn the letter Q and number 15.  In math, we are adding up to 5.  In Bible, we are beginning a unit on Jonah.  In Science, we are beginning a unit on Investigating Materials.

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Learning Highlights

This week the kindergarten class will begin a unit on King David in Bible class.  We will learn letter P and number 14.  We will continue to learn time to the hour and review dimes and nickels.  Out theme this month is loving God and loving others.

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