Although our classroom at school is quiet and empty, the grade 3’s and 4’s are continuing to build their knowledge and skills at home.  We gather for an hour each day on Google Meet to say hello to each other and do a couple of lessons together.  Then we continue working through our learning tasks for the day, which include some video lessons and workbook assignments.  We can pop into the Google Meet to ask a question or get a little help from Mrs. Span.   On Fridays we have an opportunity to eat lunch together with our friends when we often choose to work on a Jam board together. 

We are beginning a Social Studies unit on Canadian Citizenship.  We are blessed to receive this honour just by being born here, while others must work hard to become citizens.  We will discuss the rights and privileges of citizenship and recognize the responsibilities that come with them.  Our discussion on citizenship will not be complete without recognizing that, as great as Canadian citizenship is, it is temporary.  As believers in Christ, we also have been granted heavenly citizenship that will last forever.  This citizenship also comes with many rights and responsibilities. (Philippians 3:20) 

3-4 Blog