In Grade 3/4 we are continuing to learn and improve our skills at home.  We meet each morning in Google Meet for a devotional and talk through our assignments for the day.  Then we wave goodbye to our classmates and work our way through our video and workbook lessons.  Sometimes we pop back into the Google Meeting Room for a little help from our teacher.  In our devotion time, we’ve been reading How Great is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science by Lous Giglio.  We look forward to learning some interesting science facts each morning and using them as an object lesson that points to a spiritual truth.  We especially liked Devotion #43 where we learned about the Himalayan jumping spider who lives 7,000 meters up the Himalayas, the giant kangaroo rat who survives in Death Valley without drinking water, and the Paravinell sulfincola, a worm that lives near underwater vents that reach up to 80 degrees Celsius.  God gave all of these creatures the things they need to survive in their unusual habitats.  God does the same for us.  Even though our school “habitat” is a little unusual right now, God knows our situation and has given us everything we need to serve Him even in our current situation.  Hebrews 13:20 says “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”.

3-4 Blog