Dear Fellow Travellers,
You say, “Did you say, ‘Travellers?’” Yes. We are travelling for this brief time on earth from our beginning to our eternal, never-ending destiny. You remember that when we could travel, each of us, before setting out, took to the internet or to the travel guide to find out all there was to know about the destination and how to get there. 
Can you believe our enrolment is currently at 84 for September! People come to a school like ACCS for many different reasons. The best reason is because at ACCS we give good travel information! That is to say, we point to God’s way for living. He says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8) Immerse yourself in the Word and get excited about the journey; it will rub off on your fellow-travellers!

Have you considered how important it is that we have a K-8 handwriting program, and how it is making a huge difference that will last for life? I encourage you to keep up some cursive writing practice over the summer months so there is not too much regression. I am so impressed at the level of practiced skill I see in the the students’ writing! Speaking about our school, someone recently said this about ACCS…
We are extremely fortunate to have found you and the school.  We are so happy with our choice. 
Go to to leave your testimonial!

Need a break or taking a long drive? Try for a free kids Adventures in Odyssey audio episode!

Something to discuss at the dinner table: The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first. A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first. I wonder what evolutionists think the mid horse-cow species did. How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation! 
And, for the Canadian trivia fact… The border between Canada and the United States is officially known as the International Boundary. It is 8,900 km (5,525 miles) long, including the 2,475 km (1,538 miles) between Canada and Alaska. It’s the world’s longest unprotected border, especially at Roxham Road.

How would you respond to this suggestion?
1 Peter 4:10 As good servant managers of God’s grace in its various forms, serve one another with the gift each of you has received.

Prayer Corner:
Would you like to pray for a country this week? Please pray for  Moldova.
Awesome is Your Name, O God! You are the all-powerful, everywhere-present, merciful God. We commit to You Mrs. Charade (our PSW in Grade 1/2); thank You for her. Blessing and honour be to You for a Biblical framework at ACCS and that we can learn our lessons with a Biblical worldview. This week, we especially focus on Dads as the spiritual leaders of their homes. It is easy to be pulled into the vortex of today’s anti-Christian culture. Help them to deliberately stand against that culture, leading their children with wisdom into the green pastures of Your Word. Bless even the feeblest attempts at family devotions to ignite fires of passion for You and resilience against the world! In the Name that is above every name!

Weekly News