March was filled with many special days and activities.  Students were able to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at school this year, due to the delayed “Spring Break”.  Our class won the door decorating contest and had the most students wearing green.  We enjoyed wearing our special hats to school and having a Teddy Bear Picnic in the gym.  At the end of March, we went on a Virtual Field Trip to the Kortright Center.  We took a trip through the sugar bush, and learned how the Indigenous People first discovered “sugar water”.  We visited with Grandma Maple, and learned how the Early European Settlers turned sap into maple syrup. We ended up in the Sugar Shack and saw how sap is turned into syrup, using an evaporator.  After our tour ended, we hiked down to the ACCS sugar bush where we found Mr. John making maple syrup.  He let us taste some sap and gave our teacher a jar of maple syrup.  We enjoyed eating lunch outside on the newly donated picnic tables.  During devotions we have been learning about the ‘symbols of Easter’, and have been reading through the Easter Story.  In Social Studies we have been learning about rural, urban and suburban communities.


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