Being Christ’s disciple involves giving generously. If you are like me, you don’t like it when pastors mention this topic, but we have to admit that it is true. Proverbs 3:9,10 says, “Honour the Lord with your possessions, And with the first-fruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine.” I want to insert here that I have been blessed to see the generosity of members of our community! You should also know that I do not have any “agenda” here at all; this is just one of the topics that I want to challenge us with regarding what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. So, with that out of the way 😀, I have two questions: 1) Why, considering that such a great promise is attached to this obligation, are we so uncomfortable with it or any talk of it?, and 2) Why did God set up the arrangement this way? For the first question, I wonder if we do not dare to put God to the test. Another possibility is that we are too tied to our possessions. As for the second question, perhaps God is advertising a “secret passage” to blessing, while at the same time giving us an opportunity to demonstrate our faith and loyalty. I want to be that cheerful giver that says, “It is all Yours, Lord! I surrender it all for You, for Your service!” I find these things challenging to consider.
This is Week 14. For this week, let’s focus briefly on the truth that early years education is so much more than playing. “Play is something done for its own sake,” says psychiatrist Stuart Brown, author of “Play,” He writes: “It’s voluntary, it’s pleasurable, it offers a sense of engagement, it takes you out of time. And the act itself is more important than the outcome.” While the basic educational benefits of early years play are tangible, the advances children achieve towards becoming well-rounded individuals because of it are truly invaluable. 
Curriculum Review Process
Every year at ACCS, we conduct a review of the curriculum we are using. This year the focus is on Science, Mathematics, and Computers (the latter two are carry-overs from last year because the process was interrupted). Part of that process involves getting input from parents, students and teachers. We value the input from each of these stakeholders. You are invited to participate before December 15 by completing the surveys you will find at this link: in the GREEN row. We have left the other surveys open so that you are able to give input for other subject areas too. That input will be considered at the time those subjects come up for review. Students in Grades 3+ are invited to participate in the process as well by going to the link:
Stephanie Fenn (Program Committee Chair)

Btw…Can being a Community of Belonging school be the sort of project that our school staff can just implement on its own? Not really. We love that our staff does take leadership in creating a culture of belonging here at Alliston Christian School. But everything our Christian school does is more effective when the whole community ‘buys in’. If the Board sees the importance of being a place of belonging, if the parents capture the value of being a Community of Belonging and say, “Yes! We want this to be a place our child (and their child) belongs!”, that makes all the difference in the experience of our students both inside the walls of Alliston Christian School, and outside it.

NB. The snow hill is officially open and straw bales are in place. If you would like to use the slopes as a family on the weekends or evenings, you are welcome to do so, but, of course, at your own risk. 

How would you respond to this way of putting it?
Education is the mother of leadership. Wendell L. Willkie

Do you realize that one of the special things about ACCS is how everyone works together? Would you consider small maintenance jobs (here’s a list
😄) to help out? We would love to hear from you by email or phone–or just drop in!

Prayer Corner:
Do you wish you would pray for other countries more, but don’t know where to start? Pray for  Somalia.
Heavenly Father, it is hard to believe there is this need in Canada, but 
I pray for the hungry in our country. I pray for children born into poverty, single parents who struggle to put food on the table, and families in crisis. Connect them with organizations that can help. Empower groups dedicated to feeding the hungry to reach even farther. Let me know what I can do to help the hungry in my own community. We lift up to You our desire for stronger evidence of spiritual life among us; build us up, Holy Spirit! Light a fire of zeal! Blessing and honour be to You for the safety on the roads thus far as parents and staff drive to and from school each day! In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Weekly News